Visor Has a New Senior Content Marketing Manager (Spoiler: Its Me)
I’m organized.
When you hear that, you’re probably thinking my house is tidy. And you’re right, but that’s really not getting into the depths of the situation.
I have four calendars (three physical, one digital) and I sync them weekly. (The physical calendars have a matching sticker system!) I color-code my multiple notebooks, and I couldn’t imagine mixing them up. I plan my yearly spring cleaning spree in a spreadsheet with 100+ items. My personal Google Drive has over 50 folders and they’re all in active, tidy use. My biggest complaint about my events-planning hobby is that I can’t get the physical set-up tasks done up front.

Everyone I’ve ever lived with has complained that I’ll clean things they’re actively using right out from under them. They are all correct.
Like I said: I’m Organized
While I’d probably have been an excellent stage manager, wedding planner, or personal assistant to Beyoncé, I went into early-stage startups. You know, the famously chaotic and messy field. To top it off, I’m in Marketing, where shifting goalposts and moving targets are the name of the game. It’s not even a bad fit: I’m rapidly approaching a decade of experience.
So when I went looking for my next big project, I knew I wanted to find a team that was just as passionate about organization as I am. Because there’s a fundamental underlying truth to great processes: they help great people. I’m organized because I care. And I wanted to find a company that was creating their product from a place of just as much care and intentionality as I approach my life.
Dear reader, I found it.
Visor is all about making an easy, approachable, crystal-clear source of truth for a wide variety of projects. And while I suspect the Visor team would care this much no matter what they were making, that much devotion and passion for a tool that’s built to help others be more organized? Talk about serendipity!

After this long, I’ve learned how to create order from chaos. Which is a perfect alignment for what Project Managers do on a daily basis, connecting team members in a variety of roles from across an organization and making sure they’re all doing just what they need to be doing, just when they need to do it. PMs take to-do lists and deadlines and alchemize them into finished, functional projects.

The people Visor can help the most are speaking the same language I do, and I can’t wait to speak right to them.
And I’m thrilled to say that the entire Visor team speaks that language, too. While looking at all of the onboarding materials, I got butterflies. I’ve never seen a process so meticulously organized.
I’m sensing the start of a beautiful relationship, and I can’t wait to help you be the most organized you’ve ever been.
Wanna see what’s got me so hyped? Click right here.