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5 Free Agile Product Roadmap Templates Your Team Can Use Today


The Ultimate JQL Cheat Sheet: How To Get Started, from an Expert

Graphic representing the different ways Jira can be used by marketing teams including email campaigns for example.

Jira for Marketing – How To Get The Best Results

BlogFeaturedProject Management

Project Success: The Art of Delegation in Project Management

BlogFeaturedProduct & Roadmapping

5 Free Agile Product Roadmap Templates Your Team Can Use Today

Roadmap templates are a great tool in your planning arsenal. Templates save you time, and having a variety helps you think tactically for different scenarios.
BlogProduct & RoadmappingProject Management

4 High-Level Stakeholder Engagement Strategies for Tactical Projects

As we all know, you need stakeholders to get anything done, so think tactically about engaging them.
Project Management

How to Teach Your Team Task Prioritization Methods that Stick

You can prioritize all you want, but if your team isn’t doing the same, it’s more work for you. Here's how to get your team trained...

Thinking Tactically About Your Jira Issue Hierarchy

Some tasks matter more than others. Thinking strategically about your system for these helps you create smoother workflows.
BlogProduct & RoadmappingProject Management

4 Risk Assessment Matrix Templates with Examples

Risk assessment matrices help you plan and strategize before you deploy your projects, especially in compliance-related fields.

The Ultimate JQL Cheat Sheet: How To Get Started, from an Expert

JQL can empower you to work better in Jira… if you understand it. Visor's Head of Engineering is here to break it down for beginners.
BlogProject Management

How to Run a Successful Tag up Meeting

So you’ve been asked to run a tag up meeting. No problem! Here’s what to do to make it meaningful.
BlogProject Management

Creating Your Own After Action Templates For Every Situation

Creating your own after action review templates helps you harness a powerful tool in a more bespoke way. Here's how.

How To Structure The Best Kanban Flow For Your Specific Needs

Kanban can be extremely powerful if you can break the to do / doing / done pattern. Here are innovative ways to kanban smarter.

12 Productboard Alternatives To Help Make Your Products Better

Looking for a better fit than Productboard? Don't miss out on these options - and our take on the best fit for you.

Best Jira Plugins 2024 – Which Should You Use?

Jira has a wide array pf plugins yo help you work better. Which ones are right for you?

Deep Understanding for Epics vs Features vs Stories

Epics, Features, and Stories are task types for agile project management, but are you understanding and using them to their full extent?
Graphic representing the different ways Jira can be used by marketing teams including email campaigns for example.

Jira for Marketing – How To Get The Best Results

Jira is a popular choice for Engineering teams. but did you know it can do so much more? Here's how to use Jira for marketing.
BlogFeaturedProject Management

Project Success: The Art of Delegation in Project Management

Delegation is a key skill, yet many PMs skip it. This post will show you how to delegate effectively so you can take back your time.
Graphic showing different uses of Jira for non software projects
BlogJiraProject Management

Jira For Non-Software Projects: How To Get The Best Results

Jira is the go-to for engineering projects for a reason. But did you know it can do much more?
BlogProject Management

How to Use AI to Create Effective Agile User Stories

Agile user stories help you understand your end user better. AI can save you time, so long as you’re cautious to use it judiciously.
BlogProject Management

Agile Board Swimlanes: What They Are and How to Use Them

Swimlanes add clarity to your Kanban board, making it easier to see what’s going on in projects and how your team is doing. Here's how to...
BlogProject Management

Hybrid Schedule Compression Techniques For Project Managers

Compressing your schedule can save you time and get a lost project back on track, but only if you do it right. Here's how.

Building A Better Agile Standup Meeting Agenda

Agile standups are the perfect meeting in theory. In practice, they suffer from a lot of creep. Here's how to get back on track and have...
BlogProject Management

Conducting A More Effective Project Health Assessment

Project health assessments are how you know if your project is on track. Is your approach tactical enough to make the most of the process?
BlogProject Management

How to Help Your Team with Burnout as a Project Manager

Burnout reduces productivity and may mean losing valuable team members to turnover. Here's changes you can make to reduce the stress and burnout.
BlogProject Management

Agile Estimation Techniques: How To Pick The Right Method For The Job

Agile estimation techniques are many and varied. Here's how to pick the right one for each situation.
image collage from atlassian team '24
BlogNews & Features

Atlassian Team ‘24 Conference: Visor’s Big Takeaways

The Atlassian Team conference is a brilliant confluence (see what we did there?) of project managers, product managers, team leads, and admins of all sorts. A...
Company Updates

Joining Visor – Why I Jumped in

Master marketer James Taylor weighs in on why he jumped onboard the Visor rocket ship, and what's next for him now.

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