Jira Dashboard Guide: How to Create & Share Reports in Visor

Visor now allows you to create and share a Jira Dashboard with anyone you’d please– even teams and stakeholders who don’t use Jira. 

In this post, we’ll cover how our new Dashboard view helps you:

  • Extract insights using our bi-directional Jira syncing
  • Provide clear executive reporting 
  • Ensure you’re not overcommitting when planning sprints

And while our latest view also works with project data you input manually or bring in through other sources, this post details how to create a Jira Dashboard using our bi-directional Jira integration. So, let’s get started!

How is Visor’s Jira Dashboard Different?

If you’re familiar with Jira, you might have noticed built-in dashboard functionality. While this Jira dashboard is great for some use cases, we designed Visor’s Jira dashboard with other use cases in mind. Most notably, you can share Visor’s Jira dashboard with teams, stakeholders, or even customers who don’t use Jira. In comparison, Jira’s built-in dashboards can only be accessed by Jira users in your organization who have a Jira license. 

Visor’s bi-directional Jira integration ensures that your Jira Dashboard stays accurate with fresh Jira data, while also allowing you to provide visibility to any stakeholder or team. 

Visor Jira Dashboard Example:

Our Jira Dashboard has graphs and reports that break down Jira data; it also supports rich text and embedded content for when you need to provide context and additional information.

Visor Dashboard view

Visor's Dashboard view

Share Colorful Jira Dashboard With Anyone

Visor empowers you to share updates (and, in this case, a Jira dashboard) with teams not using your SaaS apps. To do this, we provide features that allow you to offer added context and color to your charts. 

Visor’s Jira Dashboard allows you to:

  • Share fresh insights with teams not using Jira
  • Add color-coded charts (with exact HEX codes)
  • Include rich text to provide added context or updates
  • Embed data from other places like Notion or Google Sheets
  • Filter out the data that your audience doesn’t need to see (e.g., subtasks)

Below, we’ll go into the features of our new Dashboard view for Jira, and then show you how to use this feature within Visor. 

Jira Dashboard Features in Visor

Once you have your Jira data imported into Visor, you can transform it into a dashboard. In this section, I unpack the following reports you can select when creating your Jira Dashboard:

  • Bar chart
  • Pie chart
  • Count report
  • Percentage report
  • Rich text block
  • Embedded content
  1. Bar and pie charts that you can format and filter

Visor’s Jira Dashboard view allows you to create color-coded pie and bar charts with your Jira project data. Simply choose the fields you’d like to visualize to do so. 

In the Jira Dashboard below, I chose to visualize a pie chart using the “Issue Type” field from Jira and a bar chart showing the number of Jira issues for each assignee. 

Colorful graphs in a Visor Dashboard

Colorful graphs in a Visor Dashboard

Formatting your Jira Dashboard Charts:

When creating a pie or bar chart, you are able to choose conditional formatting based on the fields you’d like color-coded. In the section below, I chose the exact HEX coding based on issue type. Visor also offers auto-formatting, where we choose the colors for you. 

HEX formatting in Visor

HEX color coding a pie chart in a Visor Dashboard

With all of Visor’s charts and reports, you can add a title and a description to make your dashboard more clear to others. 

Filtering your Jira Dashboard Charts:

After applying conditional formatting to your charts, you can also add filtering. 

Filtering allows you to create different views for different audiences. For example, if you wanted a view for each owner of a Jira ticket, you can create different views using filters. Below, you’ll see that I filtered using a Visor custom field, “Owner.” 

Visor Dashboard filter

Filtering by name in Visor

With Visor, you can filter (and format) fields you bring in from Jira and fields you create right in Visor. The screenshot above is a Visor field. I could have also filtered using a Jira Assignee field (had I imported one). 

See below as the chart dynamically changes based on the filter that I applied. You can also add filters to our bar chart feature in a similar way, and the count report feature, which I go into in the next section.

Filtering graphs by person in Visor

A gif showing a graph as it's filtered by person in Visor
  1. Count & Percent Reports

In addition to charts, your Jira Dashboard can also show you total counts of things like Jira issues (with certain filters set) and percentages. 

Examples of dashboard information

Visor dashboard charts and graphs

The count and percentage reports allow you to quickly extract insights from your data. 

The count and percentage reports come in handy if you need to:

  • assess how many issues you have in a given sprint
  • see if an individual contributor has far too much work
  • determine how many subtasks need to get finished before closing an epic

Below, you’ll see a Count report that has a filter showing the Jira issues engineering team members currently have:

Count reports

Below, you’ll see how it looks while creating a Percentage report that shows how many tasks a specific engineer has. With this report, you can filter both the numerator and denominator. 

Count reports

 You can also adjust the display settings to show the percentage in various ways.

  1. Rich Text & Embedded Content

In addition to the charts and reports that you can add natively within Visor’s Jira Dashboard, you can also embed from content (e.g., Notion documentation, videos, or charts from Google Sheets). 

Rich Text

Often, when sharing Jira data with stakeholders, teams, or clients who aren’t looking at your Jira data often (or at all), it’s helpful to provide some additional context. 

Formatting and text options are also available to help you emphasize key information.

Editing a text note in Visor

Embedded content

Whether you want to upload videos from places like Vimeo, YouTube, and Loom, or share documentation and charts that you have in other apps, this area of your Jira dashboard allows you to share a holistic view of the story you want to tell to your collaborators and stakeholders.

Below, we embedded our Dashboard view announcement video from Vimeo. 

Embedding a video in Visor

Visor’s Jira Dashboard: Tutorial

Once you have your Jira instance connected to Visor, you can seamlessly pull in your nested Jira data, allowing you to visualize and share your project plans with others. Visor will honor your parent/child relationships of all Jira issues, ensuring the visualizations you make in Visor reflect your source of truth.

Visor’s one-way and two-way syncing options for Jira: 

Two way and one way syncing options in Visor

Similar to Visor’s other views (e.g., Jira Gantt & roadmap views, Timeline, Board), the backbone of Visor’s Jira dashboard is our Table view. After your data imports to Visor, you’ll find it in our easy-to-navigate spreadsheet/Table view; you can then create a dashboard from there.

Colorful Visor Dashboard options

Steps for Getting Started with a Jira Dashboard in Visor:

  1. Register for a free account at Visor (no credit card needed)
  2. Import Jira data into Visor using our basic or JQL importer
  3. Once your data is in a Visor Table view, click “Add New View” in the bottom left
  4. Choose the “Dashboard” view
  5. Select the dashboard reports, filters, and formatting you want for your dashboard

If you want a more in-depth tutorial, we have check out the video below to see how you can  create a Jira Dashboard in Visor. 

Jira Dashboard in Visor: Video Tutorial

See how it easy it is to connect your Jira data to Visor, allowing you to transform it into sharable dashboards.

Conclusion: Avoid Data Silos and Stale Data

Ultimately, sharing your Jira data in a palatable way makes executives, stakeholders, clients, and collaborators feel like they have visibility. 

Dashboards are exceptional tools for extracting insights and sharing actionable information that other teams can absorb. Visor provides the opportunity for you to share easy-to-digest reports and charts that anyone (even folks not using Jira) can access. 

Data silos are often a byproduct of people using different tools at the same company. Visor’s Jira Dashboard solves that by allowing you to share your real-time project data (from apps like Jira and Asana) with others. And like many other reporting tools that don’t connect to Jira seamlessly, Visor also makes it easy to share data that doesn’t grow stale. Try it, free, today.

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